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    These bylaws regulate the functioning, authority, and responsibilities of the executives of QAMCAANA.
    Membership to the QAMCAANA will be to a physician who: Holds an unrestricted permanent license to practice medicine in North America or retired from active practice of Medicine. Physicians in training after receiving a letter from the program. Physicians involved in academic programs. Physicians involved in healthcare management, business, or allied health professional. All such physicians will be graduates of Quaid-e-Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur, Pakistan, or served on its faculty.
    To participate in the election processes, or run for office, the said member will have paid their dues by May 1st of every year. Honorary members who have a non-voting status will be exempt of paying dues. Life members would have paid their dues once in a lifetime. In training members will pay token dues. Membership dues will be determined by the Executive Committee and reviewed from time to time.
    At least one general meeting will be held once a year at a place and time determined by the Executive Committee. At that meeting, the Board of Trustees will be recognized. Meeting will be presided over by the President of the QAMCAANA and in their absence by the President Elect. Meetings can be held online, by phone, skype, and conference calling. At the annual meeting, the Treasurer will present an updated financial report. Roll call will be marked. SWAT Analysis (strength, weakness, apprentice, and threats) will be undertaken at each annual meeting.

    Quorum for meetings is defined as follows:

    Constitutional revision: 2/3rd voting members. General matters: 50% quorum of the voting members. Board of Trustees: 3/5 Trustees. Executive Committee and Executive Council: 2/3rd

    Section A: Nominations & Elections

    1. The Nominating and Elections Committee will be constituted by directive of the President, consisting of the Board of Trustees, one member from the Executive Committee, and one member from the general membership, both nominated by the President. These members will be ineligible to run for this election.
    2. Treasurer will certify an updated voters list of those eligible voters whose dues are paid before May 1st.
    3. Nominations will be in writing by voting members (active, life members, in training), nominating active and life and in training members for the offices. The nomination will be seconded by another voting member. There will be a letter of acceptance to serve by the nominee.

    Section A: Nominations & Elections (Continued)

    4. Nomination will be solicited from voting members with 15 days notice.
    5. Thirty-days before the stated election, nominations will be closed.
    6. Nominating committee will certify the slate two weeks prior to the election.
    7. Canvassing will be allowed for two weeks prior to the election. The Treasurer will provide an updated memberships list to the candidates at that time.
    8. Voting will be done by written or electronic ballot.
    9. Nominating-Elections Committee will validate each ballot.
    Election results will be declared within one week after the election. Newly elected Executive Committee will be presented at the next general meeting. Officers will take office January of the following year. All voting will be done by secret ballot, only accessible to the Nominating Committee. Term of office for all Executive Committee will be considered January 1 through December 31 of the following year (2 years). There will be no nominations taken directly from the floor. Following the elections of June, 2018, the newly elected Executive Committee will assume office in January, 2019 and complete their term at the end of 2020.
    Vacancies created by resignation, death, or disability will be filled by the Board of Trustees for the balance of the term, by an eligible voting member.
    Grounds for removal:

    Five unexcused absences.
    Immoral conduct.
    Conviction of a felony.
    This will be determined by the Executive Council by 2 /3rd majority vote.

    Section I: President

    Be an active member/life member of APPNA/QAMCAANA.
    President will be the General Executive Officer of the association QAMCAANA. Duties will include, but not restricted to:

    1. Preside over all meetings of the association, as well as Executive Committee, Executive Council, and general body.

    2. Appoint standing and Ad hoc Committees.

    3. Appoint chairpersons of these committees.

    4. Appoint any officer to assist the development of the QAMCAANA.

    5. Serve as a liaison between our Parent Association at Quaid-e-Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur, Pakistan.

    6. Serve as an official representative of our Association with larger organizations such as APPNA.

    7. Hire out services as needed with approval of Executive Committee.

    Section II: President – Elect

    Should be an active or life member of APPNA/QAMCAANA.

    1. Assume the office of the President to complete the term, if needed, from resignation, retirement, death, and disability of the President, after which they will continue to complete their own elected term. This duration will not be considered their own term.

    2. Fill in as President during a meeting in the absence of the President.

    3. Serve as member of the Executive Committee.

    4. Any duties assigned by the President.

    Section III: Secretary

    Duties of the Secretary will be as follows:

    1. Serve as recording officer for the Executive Committee, general body, and Executive Council.

    2. Supervise and maintain records related to the proper functioning of the organization.

    3. Help as a custodian for all securities

    . 4. Serve as a member of the Executive Committee and Council.

    5. Maintain data and logistics of all members, alumni, or otherwise Quaid-e-Azam Medical College living in North America.

    6. Supervise preparation of meetings.

    7. Send out official notices for meetings and committee meetings.

    Section IV: Treasurer

    The Treasurer will serve as Chief Financial Officer of the organization and maintain records of membership dues, lifetime dues, and any other special projects and/or charitable tasks.

    1. Maintain accounts of the organization and dispense funds as needed.

    2. Maintain records and arrange financial statements as needed for communication with affiliate organizations, audit, and taxation purposes.

    3. Maintain and certify up to date membership list prior to the election process.

    4. Prepare and present annual budget and annual financial report at the general body meeting.

    Section V: Spending Discretion

    Discretionary spending beyond budgeted items. Spending Limits: $1000 President, $5000 Executive Committee. Additional spending after discussion by Executive Council.

    Section VI: Immediate Past President

    Will serve in advisory capacity and as voting member of the Executive Council.
    1. Finance Committee.

    2. Post-Graduate Education Mentoring Committee.

    3. Host Committee.

    4. Nominating and Election Committee, which will compromise of three Board of Trustees and two others (members nominated by President).

    5. Scientific Research Committee

    6. Constitution of Bylaws Committee

    7. IT & Communication Committee.

    8. Membership Committee.
    9. All Committee Chairs will be appointed by the President. All Committees will function for 2 years..

    AD-HOC Committees can be appointed for a specified period or project at the discretion of the President.
    1. Will be recognized at each meeting.

    2. Arbitrate all issues. Their decision will be accepted as final.

    3. Keep vigilance on ethical functioning of the organization.

    4. Fill vacancies on the Executive Committee.

    5. Request audit of accounts at their discretion.

    6. In case of dissolution, will take over control of the organization.

    7. Veto a decision of the Executive Committee at absolute majority (5/5).

    8. If needed, make rules if no provision exists until formal Constitution and Bylaws amendments.

    9. Board will reconstitute with each election cycle every 2 years.
    Amendments can be made by at least 1/3rd active and life members QAMCAANA in writing or 2/3rd of Executive Council.
    These proposals will be voted upon by the Executive Council before presentation to the membership by a 2/3rd
    The proposed Bylaw Amendment will be circulated to the general membership, by hard copy or e-mail, for voting. 2/3rd of the membership will be needed for ratification. If quorum not met, a second vote will be called, at which time a 50% majority will be needed to ratify.
    In absence of specific regulations, as stated, Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, will be considered a parliamentary authority.
    ARTICLE XIII: All past bylaws stand abrogated after this document 22 Apr, 2020